Our kidneys tirelessly filter waste, regulate BP, produce hormones. Let's maintain their health!

Water, the kidney cleanser, flushes toxins, preventing damage. Aim for 1.5-2 liters/day.

Apples, berries, greens, and peppers are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support the kidneys.

Cranberries: kidney heroes! Compounds deter bacteria, shield urinary tract, cut infection risk.

Lean protein: fish, poultry, beans benefit kidneys. Limit red & processed meats to avoid kidney strain.

High sodium harms: raise pressure, strain kidneys. Use herbs, spices, not salt for flavor in meals.

Regular exercise boosts overall health, including kidney function. Aim for 30 mins of moderate exercise most days.

Persistent back pain, blood in urine, or trouble urinating? Seek medical advice. Early detection vital for kidney health.